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Altar Servers
Those who serve at the altar assist the priest and the sacred administration of his responsibilities during the sacrifice of the Mass. Typically, they are the cross bearer, those who carry the...
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Eucharistic Ministers
It is a sacred thing to administer the Body and Blood of Christ to His Church. The high point of each Mass is the transfiguration of bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. Eucharistic...
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The Lector Ministry calls for volunteers to grow in a warm and loving knowledge of Scripture, which is the living Word of God. Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass and other liturgical...
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The choir enhances the liturgical celebrations by leading the music ministry at Sunday Masses through hymns and songs that will ensure the “full, conscious, and active participation in the...
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Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are Catholic men of faith and men of charitable action. Membership in the Knights of Columbus provides an association with brotherly companions. It offers the opportunity...
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St Anne's Society
The ministry of the St. Anne's Society is two-fold.  They firstly collaborate in donating to various ministries for the poor.  Second, as various parish events unfold, they coordinate hospitality...
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Grupo Carismático
El grupo carismático, Luz de Cristo, se dedica a celebrar la presencia del Espíritu Santo en los corazones de todos.  Todos los miércoles en el Madonna Room, ofrecen un servicio de la Palabra de...
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Domingos, 9-10 am   El Movimiento de Cursillos consiste en proclamar la mejor noticia de la mejor realidad: que Dios en Cristo nos ama.  Comunicada por el mejor medio que es la amistad, hacia lo...